Best Things To Do In Costa Rica

National Parks happens to be the main attraction of Costa Rica attracting tourists from every part of the world. There is no doubt about the fact that this location provides some of the best vacation experiences, and there is enough to keep you interested while you are here. Here, we have highlighted some of the best things to do in Costa Rica.

1. Explore the coffee origins

Costa Rica became wealthy and prosperous during the 19th century thanks to the development of the coffee industry. In case you drive through the Central Valley you will be able to view mountains loaded with coffee plants. Informative half-day tours are offered by a number of coffee estates such as Don Juan, Britt, Monteverde, and Doka. This includes everything from picking to brewing.

2. Stroll through clouds in Monteverde

It is a fact that Costa Rica is full of biodiversity. Moreover, more than 55% of the flora and fauna of the nation are present in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve. The cloud forests which have been named after the perpetual fog which fills the air, are packed with exotic wildlife (such as spider monkeys, jaguars, and macaws) plus attractive plants (such as more than 400 orchid species). It is imperative to get to the canopy for viewing all that is happening out there. 

3. Explore San Jose

The majority of the tourists coming to Costa Rica will be landing in the city of San Jose, the capital of the nation. Here, you will be able to witness the ornate Neo-classical architectural glories of the Teatro Nacional, and you can also head to the north to admire the vibrant Victorian mansions located in Barrio Amon. In case you like to eat something delicious, try out the recipes at Mercado Central which happens to be a well-known market in the city. For this, you can get hold of a bar stool in an eatery and place an order for Gallo Pinto. It is really surprising, that this simple dish can be spiced up in so many ways.

4. Try surfing

Costa Rica can boast of having some of the most attractive waves on the planet and it will lure all folks including beginners and pros. Apart from this, lessons and board hire are quite inexpensive as well. Some of the best surf spots in Costa Rica, happen to be Playa Guiones, Playa Tamarindo, and Playa Santa Teresa.

5. Kayak or snorkel with whales and dolphins

Costa Rica’s sea life is diverse and because of this, it will be a fantastic location to get hold of a kayak or snorkel and join them. It will be possible for you to see whales and dolphins from close in their natural habitat. The spectacular Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio and the Tamarindo Beach are fantastic spots for doing this.

6. Bathe in hot springs

You need to relax after exploring the country, and it is time for you to dive into one of the hot springs out there. The area around the Arenal Volcano has geothermal attributes, and therefore, visiting the hot springs will not be a bad idea after all.